
Leading Voices in Ag Communication: Our Conference Industry Guests Lineup

Welcome to the Communication Training Conference, where we’re bringing in the heavy hitters of the industry! We’re beyond excited to introduce you to the movers and shakers who will be gracing our event. These professionals are the real deal, leading the way in their fields, and they’re here to share their knowledge and tricks of the trade. Get ready to be inspired, learn, and have a blast with us as we dive into the world of effective communication!

Scott Tilton
Food Animal Nutritionist
The Andersons, Inc.
Jim Dunn
Consulting nutritionist
Cornerstone Ag Management
Tina Erickson
Director of Membership, Outreach & Engagement
SD Pork Producers Council
Candy DenOuden
Extension marketing
South Dakota State University
Claire Stenhouse
Assistant Professor
Pennsylvania State University
Dave Heilig
Bill Even
National Pork Board
Keith Hayden
Director of Tech Sales
CJ Bio
Hyatt Frobose
USA Commercial Director
JYGA Technologies
Eric Buchanan
Director of Renewable Energy
University of Minnesota
Mike Jaspers
Business Development Director
East River Electric Power Cooperative, Inc.
Zachary Carlson
Assistant Professor
North Dakota State University
Rhea Waldman
Executive Director
SD Discovery Center
Lee Johnston
University of Minnesota
Chris Byrd
Assistant Professor
North Dakota State University
Tara Faber
Dental Hygienist
Brookings Dental Clinic

Student Presentations – Target Audiences

Round Tables

We’ve got some exciting round table sessions lined up for our participants this year. These sessions will feature real-life case studies on a variety of topics, from gene editing use to the latest in state laws and mandates for agriculture. It’s your chance to dive into some practical, hands-on discussions with industry leaders

Case of Studies: Topics Conference 2023

Biodiesel Mandates

Case Study: Federal and State Biodiesel Mandates – A Closer Look at Soy Oil Demand and Livestock Nutrition: In this intriguing case study, we delve into the consequences of federal and state biodiesel mandates, which have led to a surge in demand for soy oil as a biodiesel feedstock. The question at hand: how does this affect concentrated energy sources for livestock, and does it come at the expense of nitrogen excretion?

Proposition 12

Case Study: Prop 12 – Navigating State Laws in Agriculture: In our quest to understand the dynamics of agriculture, let’s dive into a pertinent case study: Proposition 12. This ballot measure, initially passed in California, highlights the challenges of navigating state laws in the agricultural industry

Marketing "Niche Markets"

Case Study: Marketing ‘Niche Markets’ in the Meat Product Industry: Marketing to niche markets comes with its own set of challenges. It requires a deep understanding of consumer behavior, stringent quality control, and often involves higher production costs. This case study delves into the strategies and challenges involved in catering to specialized consumer preferences

Life Cicle Analysis

Case Study: Balancing Sustainability Between Food and Energy: In the ongoing quest for sustainability, we turn our attention to a thought-provoking case study: the use of productive land for solar energy generation versus food production. This case exemplifies the complex choices we face in our pursuit of a sustainable future.


Case Study: Advanced Genetic Selection Tools – Ensuring Safety in Gene Editing: Let’s dive into a critical case study: the safety and reliability of gene editing in genetics, reproduction and product development. This case underscores the imperative of ensuring the responsible use of advanced genetic technologies.


Case Study: Activists – Stirring Active and ‘Hostile’ Discussions: This case study highlights the fine balance between passionate advocacy and effective communication. It reminds us that while sparking debate is essential for change, it’s crucial to foster constructive, respectful dialogues to achieve common goals.

Communication Workshop

Communication Workshop: Enhancing Your Presentation Skills: In this workshop, we’ll help you review and refine crucial details to ensure your presentation is impactful. From content structure to delivery techniques, we’ll cover it all.

Seminar Series 2024

We are excited to announce the launch of our online communication seminar series! The seminars got underway last week with a great turnout of over 60 students registered from 16 universities across the United StatesAuburn University, University of California, Berkeley, Cornell University, University of Georgia, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Iowa State University, Kansas State University, University of Kentucky, University of Minnesota, University of Missouri, The Ohio State University, Pennsylvania State University, Purdue University, South Dakota State University, Texas A&M University, and Texas Tech University. 

The program is designed to help students develop the skills they need to communicate science effectively to different audiences. Students will learn about the principles of science communication, how to tailor their message to their audience, and how to use different communication tools and techniques.

We are excited to see the progress these students make over the course of the program. We are confident that they will gain the skills and knowledge they need to become effective science communicators

Seminar Speakers

David Spadaro: Science Communication with the World-wide Web
David Rosero: Science Communication in a Business Call
Lydia Whitman: Communicating With Governing Bodies.
Rhea Waldman: The Art of Science Communication
Flora Litchman: Tips from a Science Journalist
Maristela Rovai: Science Communication in Extension Settings
Communicating with consumers: if they’d just listen!